E-mail marketing: The best KPIs to measure your success (infographic)
This article from Lars Tinnefeld, e-mail marketing expert at Trusted Shops, provides you with an overview of the most important KPIs for your newsletters and how to measure them.
This article from Lars Tinnefeld, e-mail marketing expert at Trusted Shops, provides you with an overview of the most important KPIs for your newsletters and how to measure them.
Online consumer behaviour is something every business website owner would love to predict. After all, if you could predict how your customers would behave you could produce exactly the right kind of website and be sure of guaranteed success. Sadly, it’s not that easy. Indeed, it is not as easy as it is in the “real world” of retail, for instance.
For many merchants, the Christmas time stays the most profitable period of the year. But what about Easter? In our article you can learn how to increase your revenue during the time before the holidays.
With 9 practical tips, Lars Tinnefeld, e-mail marketing manager at Trusted Shops, explains how online retailers can properly organise their e-mail marketing and tap its full potential.
As an online retailer, you know just how important it is to have more traffic, better customer retention and higher completed purchase rates for continuous growth in sales. In this guest article, Boris May (Trusted Shops) explains the advantages of the new module for Trusted Shops.
If you are a merchant and business owner, no doubt you spend hours every day thinking of ways to grow your business. You constantly review production and supply chain standards, marketing strategies, sales goals, and a myriad of other things that combine to make your business more profitable. However, in the category of marketing and sales, are you taking advantage of every available tool to help you reach your goals? In this guest article, Frank Bunte from Act! explains how you can grow your business.
Are you incorporating an effective e-mail strategy into your marketing plan? According research gathered by the Chief Marketing Officer Council Worldwide, e-mail marketing was the most effective digital marketing channel for customer retention in 2014. In this guest article, Frank Bunte from Act! gives tips on how to engage your customers via email.
Trust is a key factor in e-commerce: you must be able to convince potential buyers that they can trust you with their money. Thanks to the Trusted Shops Trustbadge, this is now even easier than before.
If you want to increase the basket value of your customers, cross-selling is the most effective way to achieve that. Many successful online – and offline – players have been using cross-selling for many years and know how to get the most out of it. Read more
Social networks like Twitter and Facebook are increasingly influencing your customers’ purchasing habits. Consumers enjoy referring to products and their latest purchases. Take advantage of this. In this post, we’ll offer you some tips to help you direct visitors from social networks to your online shop, acquire new customers and establish a loyal customer base.
Your shop’s design plays a vital role for your success. In a new series, we reveal what makes a good visual appearance. The first part is about the basic layout of your website: Where is the right place for the most important elements? We also present our design services for merchants who prefer to rely on professional web designers.