Sell more through professional online shop design (Part 1)

Payment Google checkout endsYour shop’s design plays a vital role for your success. In a new series, we reveal what makes a good visual appearance. The first part is about the basic layout of your website: Where is the right place for the most important elements? We also present our design services for merchants who prefer to rely on professional web designers.

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Review your online shop before autumn and Christmas arrive

Snowflakes - KopieSure, it’s only the beginning of September but you cannot start early enough thinking about your autumn and Christmas campaigns in your online shop. We recommend reviewing your ePages shop well in advance. In this article, we present some tips to check your texts, images and settings, but also, to improve your e-commerce strategy. Act now and achieve more sales in the last campaigns of  2013.

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Analyse the traffic in your online shop: Tips to increase your sales

Suchmaschinen_optimierungAre you familiar with web controlling? Do you already use Google Analytics or etracker in your online shop? Analysing the behaviour of the users on your site can give you many clues to increase your sales. In this article we will explain how to improve your page with this data.

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SEO for your Facebook fanpage

Most of the bigger companies own a Facebook fanpage nowadays which is maintained by the marketing team. But in the Google search engine results these fanpage still don’t show up at all. The reason for that: While doing search engine optimization for the companies website is custom nowadays the Facebook fanpage still get’s neglected. Looking at Facebooks growth rate this has to change. So, what can an online merchant do, to boost his Facebook fanpage?


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New Google product categories in ePages – important changes for merchants on September 22

On September 22, 2011 Google Shopping will change its guidelines. Products that you would like to continue to have listed in the Google product search in Germany, UK, France and the USA will require additional information for the Google product categories after this cut-off date. If product data is transferred to Google without this information it will no longer be listed in the Google product search. The ePages blog will explain what you need to do to fulfill Google’s requirements in order to still be able to sell via Google Shopping after September 22. Read more

Fishing in the social network – How you can sell on Facebook using ePages

With over 600 million registered users, Facebook is by far the largest social network in the world. On average, Facebook users spend over three hours a day on the platform. Measured by visitor times, the network from Palo Alto California far outranks Internet top dog Google. All this makes Facebook one of the largest channels through which online merchants can generate customers. We’ve taken all of this into account, and included a Facebook integration to ePages in version 6.11. The ePages blog explains which level of integration is possible. Read more

Fit for Christmas Part 3 – The home straight

The last critical phase of the holiday shopping season has begun. For online merchants, it is now or never to reach all those who haven’t decided yet and steel need a last minute gift for a their loved ones. So what’s for you to do in the last week before the Christmas holidays? The ePages blog gives answers. Read more

How important is written content for online shops?

And what is the significance of original written content concerning search engine optimisation (SEO)? SEO expert and ePages online merchant Maxim Grübel explains the principles of SEO content and shares practical tips on how you can position your own ePages shop to perform well in search results. Read more

Fit for Christmas – Part II

When Christmas decorations start appearing in towns and cities in November, most people start looking for presents to give to their loved ones. Online merchants should be prepared now for the best sales season all year. Continue reading the second part of the ePages blog's "Getting in Shape for Pre-Christmas Shopping" series to learn what you can do in order to best reach potential Christmas shoppers. Read more

Search Engine Optimisation – The SEO Starter Guide by Google

When it comes to search engine optimisation there are a lot of different opinions. Which actions are recommended? What improves a shop’s ranking and what is counterproductive? It’s always interesting when Google themselves speaks up and tells us their point of view. A few weeks ago it was that time again: the "SEO Starter Guide" has finally been updated. Read more

Fit for Christmas – Part I

Less than three months until the end of the most profitable time of year: holiday season. It’s high time to set course to success and prepare your online shop for the Christmas business. In Part one of our Christmas specials in the ePages blog we take a look in the things, you can already do now to be best prepared for the upcoming business. Read more

100 Days to Christmas

Christmas is coming early this year. Only 100 days left until the celebration of Jesus’ birth and to bright shining children eyes. For all ePages merchants out there this means that they should get ready to be prepared for the most successful business period of the year. For that the ePages blog will feature a series of posts all around the Christmas business and the right preparations. Stay tuned for more.