Get off to a successful start in ecommerce

New features, tips and inspiration for your online shop

Product photography with ePages and Pixelz

Product photography: What’s a good artificial lighting setup?

The importance of product images to eCommerce is nearly impossible to overstate. Online shopping is a visual experience, and your customer will equate the quality of your imagery with the quality of your product. In this guest article, Thomas Kragelund from Pixelz explains how to setup your artificial lighting for shooting beautiful product pictures.

How you can sell more in the time before Easter

For many merchants, the Christmas time stays the most profitable period of the year. But what about Easter? In our article you can learn how to increase your revenue during the time before the holidays.

Typography for your online shop

The right typography for your online shop

Designers often say that the text makes up 90% of a website’s design. Whether or not that’s true, textual aspects certainly contribute to the user experience. In this article by our Product Manager User Experience Lukas Rathmann, you can read about the things to watch for with regard to text and learn how effective typography […]

E-mail marketing – 9 tips for a successful B2C newsletter

With 9 practical tips, Lars Tinnefeld, e-mail marketing manager at Trusted Shops, explains how online retailers can properly organise their e-mail marketing and tap its full potential.

How do I use natural window light for product photography?

Product photography doesn’t have to mean a big budget. Natural sunlight from a window can be a great light source, so long as you follow the right do-it-yourself product photography best practices. Learn more in our guest article by Thomas Kragelund from Pixelz.

Use emarketing services to grow your small business

Use emarketing services to grow your small business

As a small business owner, the success of your business depends on your ability to compete for customers. In this guest article Frank Bunte from Act! explains how you can use email, social media and mobile marketing to increase sales.

How do I keep colours accurate during product photography?

You can create high quality product photography for your online store without breaking the bank. There are several do-it-yourself techniques you can master to save time and money while optimising your online store.

Update for the Trusted Shops module: New features for more revenue

As an online retailer, you know just how important it is to have more traffic, better customer retention and higher completed purchase rates for continuous growth in sales. In this guest article, Boris May (Trusted Shops) explains the advantages of the new module for Trusted Shops.

Should you cash-in on Cyber Monday? By Graham Jones

What do people prefer when they are shopping? An instant bargain, right now, or longer term savings?

Grow Your Business with Contact Management Solutions

If you are a merchant and business owner, no doubt you spend hours every day thinking of ways to grow your business. You constantly review production and supply chain standards, marketing strategies, sales goals, and a myriad of other things that combine to make your business more profitable. However, in the category of marketing and […]

Checklist: what customers expect when visiting your online shop

A lot of the time, customers arrive to a website and abandon it immediately. Why? Either because they don’t easily find what they are looking for or because the site does not meet certain standards. However, what are the standards that customers expect when visiting an online shop? To answer that question, we’ve prepared a […]

ePages academy, London – Coaching in International selling, design, branding and social media marketing

The ePages academy once again brought to the stage some of the key issues of selling online: Branding, international selling, social media marketing, design and payments. Under the title ‘Sell Smarter Online’, this latest coaching event delivered great knowledge and insights in a friendly setting, with fantastic networking and interaction between merchants and e-commerce professionals.

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