Entries by Kerstin Deharde

New features for your ePages Now shop

Have you already discovered the newest features that were introduced to your ePages Now shop in the past weeks? Not only new design options are waiting for you, but the organisation of customer and order data can now also be further customised. In this blog article, we will show you how you can use these […]

Buttons, background colours and more: These are the new features in the editor of ePages Now

Using the features available in the editor of ePages Now, you can give your online shop a more personal touch. Find out below how  to individualise colours in your online shop. And we’ve just made it even easier to navigate through the pages of your online shop. In this article, we present the latest developments available for […]

The right typography for your online shop

Designers often say that the text makes up 90% of a website’s design. Whether or not that’s true, textual aspects certainly contribute to the user experience. In this article by our Product Manager User Experience Lukas Rathmann, you can read about the things to watch for with regard to text and learn how effective typography […]