
How to create your online payment portfolio with Mollie

Besides the products you offer, the payment portfolio is an important success factor in ecommerce. If customers don’t find their preferred payment method, they are more likely to cancel the purchase. In this blog article, learn more about smooth checkout processes and other key factors for generating higher revenue whilst saving time and effort through payment service providers like Mollie.

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Meet consumer demands with a new way to pay online

One area of ecommerce that is currently undergoing rapid transformation is financial technology and specifically the world of online payments. In this guest article from our partner Skrill you can find out more about that.

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Let’s explore: Skrill

When ‘digital payments’ are mentioned, many people tend to think it means online banking. It is in fact so much more and there is a lot happening with payments services in this fast-moving digital economy.

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The golden rules for your online shop

An online shop provides a great showroom for potential customers to find you and get to know your business, but selling online involves much more than offering just a couple of products or services. Here are the top eight rules to help you on your way.

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Expanding to other European countries requires more than patience and proper language translations

Chase Paymentech Europe has announced results from a national survey exploring the challenges faced by UK firms in ‘Customer Not Present’ (CNP) payments. Western European online retail sales are projected to grow 11 percent to reach £153 billion by 2014. On a regional level, several key European countries have seen record growth above the UK’s growth of 160 percent over the past few years: examples include Spain at 199 percent and both France and Italy at 181 percent. Martijn Werdler, Commercial Director at Docdata Payments takes a look at the impact on payments for cross border e-commerce. Read more

Setting up your shop for deferred payments

In challenging economic times, every last euro counts. A lot of customers hesitate to make purchases. So why not boost your sales by allowing customers to pay by instalments. Let us show you how.



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Payment methods in online shops IV – Setting up your ePages shop

How to set up specific payment methods in my ePages online shop? The fourth blog-article of our mini-series “Payment methods in online shops” gives you the answer to that question using four tutorial videos specifically created for you.


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Payment methods in online shops III – When gremlins strike

Despite interactive wizards in the merchant back office, many errors can still happen when setting up the payment process in your shop. The third part of our series "Payment systems in online shops" shows you how you can prevent these, what to do when you are stuck and how to get faster answers for support requests.

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Payment Systems in Online Shops II: The Agony of Choosing

A customer walks into your shop. As the owner of a brick-and-mortar store, your mission is simple. The only question you need to concern yourself with in this moment is: “How can I persuade this customer to spend money here?” But this same task is more difficult for you as an online merchant. The question you must be able to answer is: “Precisely what form of payment might this customer use?” After all, the customer can and will purchase something in your shop only if you allow them to pay as they wish. We will explore this issue in Part Two of our “Payment Systems in Online Shops” series.

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Payment Methods in Online Shops — Part I: A Forest Full of Trees (continued)

Our survey of the different payment systems with regard to e-commerce continues. In the second and final part of “Payment Methods in Online Shops — Part 1: A Forest Full of Trees”, we explore the two remaining categories: “Payment with safeguards” and “Payment with virtual wallet”. These two categories have one thing in common: external service providers ensure that transactions are properly processed. Read more

Payment Methods in Online Shops — Part I: A Forest Full of Trees

Cash is king — but only once upon a time. This outdated saying applies even less to purchases processed via the Internet. Sophisticated payment concepts must replicate the role traditionally played by banknotes and coins as well as facilitate trust between anonymous merchants and their customers. Electronic payment methods are the digital handshake which seal the deal in today’s business world.

Yet there is a practically limitless range of payment systems. Our four-part series of articles entitled “Payment Methods in Online Shops” will help you find the right provider for your ePages online shop and explain what you need to be aware of concerning activation. In “Part 1: A Forest Full of Trees” we will help you by shedding light on some key matters.

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Newest Features in ePages 6

What’s been going on functionally in our shop since the introduction of ePages 6. After equipping ePages 6 with new components like blogs, forums, RSS feeds, appointment and booking functions for business websites, drag & drop functionality and gadget integration, we’ve added even more or are planning to in 2009.


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