
Boost your SEO with these ranking factors for 2022 and beyond

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an important discipline in digital marketing to adapt your online shop for search engines. This is the basis for a good ranking, high impressions of your pages and a growing clientele. However, this is not done with the basic settings, because Google and other search engines regularly adjust their criteria for ranking. Find out what are the latest factors that will become increasingly important for a good ranking in 2022 and beyond in this article.

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Google’s mobile-first indexation: What merchants should know

Google has already announced several times that they will switch their index to “mobile-first” or even “mobile-only”. This means that only content  easily visible on mobile devices will be indexed, I.e. be prioritised in the search results. The background to this is that more than half of all search queries now come from mobile devices, predominantly smartphones. A classic desktop view cannot be displayed well on smartphones and would therefore appear far down in the index or not at all. As a result, websites may not only lose visitors using smartphones, but possibly desktop users as well. This change by Google could come into effect as early as April 2021. In this article, we explain how Google proceeds with indexing and why merchants are best prepared for that switch with ePages Now.

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The 6 key elements of a good SEO strategy

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or online shop’s ranking in the organic results of a search engine. Charles Mechri from rankingCoach explains the most important elements of SEO to help you getting more traffic from Google and other search engines.

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Google AdWords for online shops: How to create campaigns that convert

In this article, StoreYa CEO Yariv Dror explains what merchants need to know about starting their ad campaigns with Google AdWords.

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Internal links: Avoid these mistakes to get a better Google ranking

Many merchants are underestimating the relevance of internal links – but these links are one of the most important measures for optimising the ranking of a website on Google and other search engines. In our article, we present you five mistakes that you should avoid to make.

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Google My Business for your shop

Google My Business allows you to present your physical store directly on Google. This has many benefits and can drive new customers to your online shop as well. Larissa Murillo from MarketGoo lets you know in this guest article what you should pay attention to when creating your Google My Business page.

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SEO on a budget for your online shop

In this article, Larissa Murillo from MarketGoo offers useful advice on how to optimise your shop for search engines without spending a lot of money.

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7 essential tools to internationalise your shop

Internationalisation is a key trend in e-commerce to help boost online businesses. According to Royal Mail, 68% of small and medium sized retailers in the UK are looking to target new overseas markets. However, to be successful moving into other markets requires a lot of work. Read more

Search Engine Optimisation – The SEO Starter Guide by Google

When it comes to search engine optimisation there are a lot of different opinions. Which actions are recommended? What improves a shop’s ranking and what is counterproductive? It’s always interesting when Google themselves speaks up and tells us their point of view. A few weeks ago it was that time again: the "SEO Starter Guide" has finally been updated. Read more

Advertising with Google Maps

Nobody wants to have to go far when they are looking for a specific product or service. That is why customers are always pleased when the small red flag they see on Google Maps is close to their location. According to Google, by 2006 already, every fourth search query was location-specific. Even experts are saying that maps and location-based services will be that much more relevant in 2009. Companies with both a stationary and online presence can increase their real as well as their virtual business by taking advantage of a free listing and a local advertisement on Google Maps.    Read more

Newest Features in ePages 6

What’s been going on functionally in our shop since the introduction of ePages 6. After equipping ePages 6 with new components like blogs, forums, RSS feeds, appointment and booking functions for business websites, drag & drop functionality and gadget integration, we’ve added even more or are planning to in 2009.


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Dynamic versus Static URLs with Google

Google revises a long-going myth: Against all general assumptions, dynamic URLs can now be easily crawled by Google. The search engine giant only recommends adapting the look of dynamic URLS to static URLs when there is enough time and knowledge available to remove the correct parameters. With the shop software from ePages, shop operators are thus on the right side. Read more details in the following.


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