
App Store news: Boost your online marketing with these apps in ePages Now

Have you already discovered the App Store in your shop administration area? There, you can activate many additional functionalities in your ePages Now shop. You can easily install them, register with the app provider if necessary, and get started right away. In this article, we present some of the latest apps for marketing, customer service and more.

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5 Apps for ePages Now you should know about

Do you want to improve your online shop or take advantage of special features in order to tailor your online presence to the needs of your customers? With our apps you have the possibility to adapt your website accordingly. For example, you can run email campaigns, easily create your own logo, automate order processing and much more. You can find all available apps directly in your shop’s administration area under Apps. In this article, we present to you 5 apps in ePages Now that you should not miss as an online retailer. Please note that the availability of the apps depends on your software provider.

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New features and apps for ePages Now: Payments with Mollie and more

Regular updates equip our shop software ePages Now with new functions and apps that offer merchants a wide range of options. For example, the administration of the shop becomes even more convenient, there are additional design options and marketing for the shop is further simplified. In this article, we present the most exciting new functions, including a preview of features for the coming months.

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New app for ePages Now: Identity verification via smartphone and webcam with

With the app, merchants selling online with ePages Now can easily confirm the identity of customers – for example, for age verification purposes, or when additional proof of identity may be required.

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Cleverpush: Push notifications for online shops

For many online merchants, the main focus is on attracting new customers to their shop. Just as important, however, is getting visitors to come back. This is where the Cleverpush app comes in, making it easy to send push notifications.

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Upcoming features of ePages Now

Our development teams are constantly working on improving your shop and its management. In this article we will give you an overview about the upcoming changes that ePages Now merchants can expect in the coming months. These include bigger features as well as improvements that will make your life as an online merchant easier.  

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How to boost your business with data analysis

In this guest article, Anna Buchalova from MonkeyData tells you how to grow the revenue of your online shop by analysing the most important KPIs.

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5 of the best apps to boost your e-commerce success

With our apps you can boost the success and revenue of your online shop. We present you 5 of the most helpful apps.

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