New design templates, batch printing and more: Features for your ePages Now shop
The ePages Now software is constantly being expanded with new functions that you can access conveniently via your shop administration in the browser. Would you like to optimise your design, integrate shop ratings and simplify your work processes? Discover the newest features and connections to sell successfully in 2022.
Find your perfect shop design with new themes
Ready to put your products in the limelight? With many new, free themes for ePages Now, you gain access to a large selection of designs that are already perfectly tailored to your business needs and product range. You can find all available options in the editor under Select theme.
What do the new designs have in store?
With the new templates, you can see at first glance which variant perfectly suits your business. The designs are based on different industries and serve as a quick guide for style, structure and shop colours. Look at the sample shops or preview the template directly with your shop content to try out the different styles.
Of course, you can further customise each selected design, for example with content elements, menu structure, fonts, colours, backgrounds and more. You can change your selection in the editor at any time. Your shop contents are automatically adopted.
Batch actions for order documents
Already from a few orders, it is worthwhile to use batch actions on delivery notes and invoices. Since you no longer need to generate and print the documents in individual orders, this saves you a lot of time in your day-to-day business.
How does it work?
You can generate all documents under Orders > View orders. Use the checkboxes to select all orders whose order documents you want to print. Then click on Generate documents. Select the option Generate and print documents.
You will then be taken to the print view of all the selected documents and can print them conveniently.
Online & local: Multichannel inventory management with Zettle
You already have a local store? The connection to Zettle makes it possible to synchronise the stock and product information on site with those of your online shop. This way, you can keep track of your offline and online sales and avoid over-ordering. In addition, regular price adjustments can be synchronised automatically. Read more about inventory management and Zettle here.
New app: Automatic retargeting with
Targeting customers with a high purchase intention using online marketing requires some prior knowledge and time-consuming data analysis. The app does the work for you by recognising relevant visitors and addressing them with ads. These are shop visitors who have already shown interest in your products but have not completed the buying process. With automatically created advertising campaigns including display ads with product photos, recalls shop visitors to your products and reengages the process. Based on the collected data and algorithm, the campaigns are continuously optimised. The dashboard gives you full control over your daily advertising budget and more. You can find the app in the Marketing & Sales section of the App Store.
New Smartarget apps: Follow us
In our last app news article, we already introduced some of the Smartarget apps, with which you can lead your website visitors towards your social media channels in order to grow your amount of followers. You can then retarget your community with strong visual marketing content.
Besides a floating social media bar that displays all social media buttons at glance, you can also display specific channels such as Instagram, Facebook or TikTok in your online shop:
Simply connect your social media channel to the related Smartarget app and start gaining followers via your online shop. You can test all apps of Smartarget either with a free version and limited features or in a Pro version.
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