
New design templates, batch printing and more: Features for your ePages Now shop

The ePages Now software is constantly being expanded with new functions that you can access conveniently via your shop administration in the browser. Would you like to optimise your design, integrate shop ratings and simplify your work processes? Discover the newest features and connections to sell successfully in 2022.

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Online marketing – 10 essential keys to growing your business

Many small and medium businesses owners (SMBs) fear tackling the beast that is known as online marketing as they feel they do not have adequate experience or know-how to do it properly.  In order to convince you that online marketing is not only essential to your online business’ success but also that it can be easy to do, here are our 5 main reasons we believe online marketing is worth a second look.

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Better than SEO: More Turnover with Google AdWords

In 2009, many more shop operators are attending to the marketing of their offering using Google AdWords. The activation of Google AdWords is a form of keyword optimisation that, in contrast to search engine optimisation, isn’t free but facilitates significantly higher click rates and targeted traffic. Read about the basics of activating AdWords and how its effect can be measured on the shopping basket.


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More Newsletter Subscribers

Mehr Newsletter-Abonnenten

Bring it to your customers’ attention that they can subscribe to your newsletter. After all, regularly addressing them via e-mail is undoubtedly one of your most effective marketing tools. Read more

Social Media Optimisation – Corporate Blogs

The good old advertising sign has outlived its usefulness. As reported recently in, the use of conventional online advertising media such as banners and pop-ups is expected to decline significantly in coming years. You, too, should explore new ways of acquiring and retaining customers. In addition to newsletters, search engine optimisation and promotions, social networks and social media tools are especially useful in allowing you – inexpensively – to get closer to your target audience and increase awareness of your online shop. Social Media Optimisation (SMO) is the new strategy for success. In this series of articles, we will portray the most important opportunities for socially marketing your online shop. This first article focuses on weblogs.

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Following New Customers One Pixel at a Time

etracker Web ControllingOnline marketing has long since offered an interesting alternative to classical advertising media. And for good reason. Internet campaigns are not only flexible and cost-effective, their effect can be measured in concrete figures. The Hamburg software maker etracker offers efficient solutions for the performance review of all online efforts: through etracker's web controlling.

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Win and Retain Your Customers – with Coupons

Visitors to your shop also work on the carrot and stick principle. If the carrot is large enough, they go into action. Of course, they are more attracted by price savings than by carrots. Cost savings increase customer interest, making them more likely to come back and look at your shop, it also increases the chances of new customers making their first purchase. Coupons help you take direct advantage of this process. Read more