It’s time again to present you with several more accomplished shop examples based on the ePages shop software. The highlights this time: Demo videos, smooth-flowing pictorials, free shipping, regular customer discount, first-time buyer discount and last but not least, a creation from Design & Consult, an ePages design service. We hope you’ll be inspired by […]
Payment Methods in Online Shops — Part I: A Forest Full of Trees
/0 Comments/in Online shop & ecommerce, Payment & Delivery /by Volker SchwarzCash is king — but only once upon a time. This outdated saying applies even less to purchases processed via the Internet. Sophisticated payment concepts must replicate the role traditionally played by banknotes and coins as well as facilitate trust between anonymous merchants and their customers. Electronic payment methods are the digital handshake which seal […]
5 x Shop: Inspiration for your online shop VI
/0 Comments/in Online shop & ecommerce, Shop Design /by Volker SchwarzAfter our summer break, it is now time for the next instalment of “5 x Shop”. We hope that this sixth edition of our overview of the colourful world of ePages online shops will inspire successful business concepts of your very own. The highlights this time: a lavishly designed website for expressing brand messages, a […]
Selling with just a few words – Designing Google search results (part 3/3)
/0 Comments/in Search engines (SEO) /by Volker SchwarzIn the last article of our three-part special (part 1, part 2) we’ll take a look at the descriptive text in the Google search results. What options do we have here to have an effect on the display?
Selling with just a few words – Designing Google search results (part 2/3)
/0 Comments/in Search engines (SEO) /by Volker SchwarzHow do Google search results get their heading? As discussed in the first part of our special, every Google search result is made up of three elements: Title, description and link. While the origin of the link may be clear, this is not clear at first glance with the title and description. Where does the […]
Selling with just a few words – Designing Google search results (part 1/3)
/0 Comments/in Search engines (SEO) /by Volker SchwarzBeing at the top of the Google search results is the dream of every shop operator. After all, being first place in the ranking of the largest search engine in the world promises an additional stream of customers. And just as important as the positioning in the results is the presentation of the shop within […]
Bull’s Eye: Planning AdWords Campaigns
/0 Comments/in Search engines (SEO) /by Volker SchwarzHow do I draw attention to my shop? A lot of online merchants ask themselves this very question upon placing their ePages rental shop online. One of the most popular answers to this question is Google AdWords. As explained in our first tutorial, Google AdWords offers an ideal opportunity to capture the attention of potential […]
The Perfect Browser for Trouble-Free Shopping
/0 Comments/in Online shop & ecommerce /by Volker SchwarzYour Internet browser is the portal to your successful e-business. Thanks to your ePages rental shop’s user-friendly administration page, you have control over all relevant decisions — from the design of your store through the processing of orders to customer management. To make sure that you can use all features offered by the software, you […]
5 x Shop: Inspiration for your online shop V
/0 Comments/in Online shop & ecommerce /by Kira SchmidtIt’s time again to present you with several more accomplished shop examples based on the ePages shop software. The highlights this time: Demo videos, smooth-flowing pictorials, free shipping, regular customer discount, first-time buyer discount and last but not least, a creation from Design & Consult, an ePages design service. We hope you’ll be inspired by […]
Billing Gross and Net Prices in the Shop
/0 Comments/in Products /by Kira SchmidtBusiness customers with a valid Value-added tax identification number are entitled to pay without VAT in domestic Europe. But can these business customers be differentiated from normal consumers in the shop? Can gross or net prices be paid depending on the customer? With ePages 6, this is set up quickly and easily. We’ll show you […]
Advertising with Google Maps
/0 Comments/in Search engines (SEO) /by Kira SchmidtNobody wants to have to go far when they are looking for a specific product or service. That is why customers are always pleased when the small red flag they see on Google Maps is close to their location. According to Google, by 2006 already, every fourth search query was location-specific. Even experts are saying […]
Newest Features in ePages 6
/0 Comments/in Online shop & ecommerce /by Kira SchmidtWhat’s been going on functionally in our shop since the introduction of ePages 6. After equipping ePages 6 with new components like blogs, forums, RSS feeds, appointment and booking functions for business websites, drag & drop functionality and gadget integration, we’ve added even more or are planning to in 2009.
Structure of Categories and Pages
/0 Comments/in Shop Design /by Kira SchmidtCategories are the most important aid for structuring an online shop. They ensure a hierarchical structure which arranges superior and subordinate elements in the hierarchy in a way that makes sense and is user-friendly. We have already provided you with tips for your navigation structure in the article "More structure in the product range". Today […]