Category: Online shop & ecommerce

Newest Features in ePages 6

What’s been going on functionally in our shop since the introduction of ePages 6. After equipping ePages 6 with new components like blogs, forums, RSS feeds, appointment and booking functions for business websites, drag & drop functionality and gadget integration, we’ve added even more or are planning to in 2009.


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Social Media Traffic = 20% more Conversions

We just read an interesting article about how social media and e-mail traffic can increase conversions. The example is, a successful live shopping portal from the USA. In an interview with,  Lynda Keeler, Co Founder of, says the following: "E-mail and social media work like a tag team. My own experience is that I’ll send out a newsletter, carry on the conversation on Twitter, often via DM then end up back on email. This is mostly due to the frustration of only 140 characters and because e-mail feels more private." Furthermore she says: "The Social Media group has shown a 20% increase in conversion compared to other traffic drivers.” See the whole article on

5 x Shop: Inspiration for Your Online Shop IV

Opposites attract. Design meets electronics this time in 5 x Shop. Can you recognise which ePages shop sells what at first glance? We conclude: Design loves it simple and elegant, electronics demonstrative and colourful. But form your own opinion.




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Dynamic versus Static URLs with Google

Google revises a long-going myth: Against all general assumptions, dynamic URLs can now be easily crawled by Google. The search engine giant only recommends adapting the look of dynamic URLS to static URLs when there is enough time and knowledge available to remove the correct parameters. With the shop software from ePages, shop operators are thus on the right side. Read more details in the following.


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5 x Shop: Inspiration for Your Online Shop III

Don’t let March’s cold and grey days get you down. Let the sun shine in and enjoy these five beautiful ePages shop examples we would like to present to you this time. Details that we especially liked: Clickable logo-flash, customer bread photos, action videos and spreadshirt shop integration. Read for yourself.




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Checklist for the Set-up of an Online Shop

So many functions – where should I start? Maybe you’ve asked yourself this question the first time you entered your ePages online shop administration. Besides working on the design and creating the products, you should pay particular attention to the following*…



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5 x Shop: Inspiration for Your Online Shop II

There are many reasons for a shop being able to become successful. The essential reasons from our point of view are: demand-driven product range with clear profile, informative product descriptions, simple navigation structure, good shop design, search engine optimisation, good customer service, nearness and trustworthiness, popular payment procedure and market presence. In the following, we present another five online shops based on ePages that are on the right track. We hope you’ll be inspired by them. 


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Online Shops and Business Websites with ePages 6

On October 1, 2008 we raised the curtain for the debut of ePages 6. The new product version not only allows you to sell your products online, you can now even offer services for booking online as well. We’ve added a lot of fresh new features that will make your life much easier. Read for yourself what drag & drop, scheduling and booking functions, blogs, forums and RSS feed modules are all about…

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Editorial Pages in The Online Shop

Freie Setien im Online-ShopIn addition to pages for categories and products, you can also create editorial pages and integrate these into your online shop navigation. You can use these pages to integrate customer feedback, references, information about yourcompany or even job offers as you would using a classical website.
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Following New Customers One Pixel at a Time

etracker Web ControllingOnline marketing has long since offered an interesting alternative to classical advertising media. And for good reason. Internet campaigns are not only flexible and cost-effective, their effect can be measured in concrete figures. The Hamburg software maker etracker offers efficient solutions for the performance review of all online efforts: through etracker's web controlling.

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Import / Export: Managing Store Data Offline

Import-ExportPrices change and stock data have to be maintained – if the product range is relatively large, processing data in the store management feature may take some time to complete. This is quicker and more clearly arranged offline, for example, with MS Excel.

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Through Optimisation/ Page Cache in The Fast Lane

OptimierungYou’ve got your shop set up, the design works, products have also been created but the shop could still load just a little bit faster? The pages of the shop view (storefront) are arranged "dynamically" in the shop setup phase and the call of a page thus takes longer because all the elements to be displayed have to be repeatedly stored on the server before they can be displayed. Now you can make your shop faster using the optimisation/ page cache function.

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