
Free shipping on selected products: Boost your sales

Turn visitors to your website into customers by offering them free shipping on selected products. Especially concerning premium products, a discount of just a few euros does not constitute a true incentive to buy. Many customers regard free shipping, on the other hand, as a much better bargain. Good news for merchants: regardless of whether your special promotion is free shipping or a discount of 5 euros, the costs for merchants do not change. So, how can you offer a discount on selected products in your ePages online shop?

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Gift Option in Shopping Basket

Angebot der Versandoptionen im Warenkorb

Granted, if you sell only refrigerators, then wrapping paper and cards for gifts might not play a major role in your commercial success. But customers are always grateful when they can enter a gift recipients address as delivery address, and then select nice wrapping paper and customise a card to top it all off.

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