
Newsletter – the perfect subject line

Newsletters have an opening rate of up to 40 percent. That makes them a cornerstone of every marketing mix. But before you send out your first newsletter, it's worth taking the time to consider the subject line and the sender e-mail address. Because with just a little optimisation, you can increase your opening rate even more.

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Planning newsletter campaigns

Newsletters are an essential part of customer communication. They are simple to create and cost-effective to deliver. They allow you to let existing customers and interested parties know about the latest news, offers and changes in and around your shop. But in order for newsletter campaigns to also be successful, merchants should be sure to do the necessary planning up front. The ePages blog will show you what to keep in mind. Read more

Bull’s Eye: Planning AdWords Campaigns

How do I draw attention to my shop? A lot of online merchants ask themselves this very question upon placing their ePages rental shop online. One of the most popular answers to this question is Google AdWords. As explained in our first tutorial, Google AdWords offers an ideal opportunity to capture the attention of potential customers as they have just begun their online search for products. Yet AdWords campaigns are not always successful. Why is this the case? Read more